How to deal with a “Gamer Boyfriend”

Boyfriends, should spend their every-waking moment satisfying your needs (I don’t mean that in a naughty way, but…actually, yeah that too). They should give you all their attention, wine and dine you frequently and buy you pretty things all of the time….

Of course, I’m only joking..*coughs*

But my boyfriend is a gamer, not just a gamer that occasionally sits at his computer for an hour, I mean a full-on, hours on end kind of gamer. And, naturally, this can be a bit of a pain at times (most of the time). However, fighting against it isn’t the best course of action, at all.

I have learnt my lesson that having little strops does not make the situation any better, in fact it only makes it worse. After all, gaming is his passion, so who am I to take that away from him? I shouldn’t stop him doing something he enjoys, because that is not what a relationship is about and blah blah blah.

If I was to give him the ultimatum of me or the PC, I’m pretty sure it would be the PC, and I guess I’m okay with that because that was there first and I walked into the relationship knowing full well what the deal was, in fact…no healthy relationship should have any ultimatums flying around.

So, after a few months of struggling, I have finally learnt how to deal with it, so I thought I would share a few points to you other girls out there with game obsessed boyfriends.

Join in – You may find it boring, but at least you tried. I actually received a headset for Christmas from him and it enables me to join in and spend time with him that way. It seems to make him happy, which makes me happy. Win win!

Try not to complain – Don’t sigh, don’t complain, don’t storm out. Trust me, I’ve done all those and it only ends up creating issues. It makes them feel guilty for enjoying their hobby and it doesn’t end up making you feel any better.

If you don’t want to play, sit and watch – Again, it might bore you, but I’m sure they would love to have you sit and watch (and pretend to be interested). It’s also spending time together, so you aren’t sitting waiting for his attention for hours!

Make compromises – It’s not all about him, definitely not! He should also make time to chill with you, if he doesn’t, punch him in the face! (Don’t actually do that, that is abuse). But, basically, if he isn’t giving you any of his time, ditch him!

Ask him questions – Ask what he’s playing, engage in a conversation and genuinely be (or at least act) interested. I’ve noticed this helps a lot and then opens them up to engage in more of a conversation and he can share his hobby with you.

Hopefully these may help some of you girlies out there struggling with your game nerd of a boyfriend. Remember, it isn’t all about them though and they should also take an interest in you and your hobbies. (Oh yeah and please ignore the slightly cheesy image, it was literally the only decent one I could find..haha!)



Pink hair!

Welll helloooo there!

I’ve noticed I’ve had a few new followers lately, so hey guys! But this also made me consciousĀ of the fact that I really need to post more instead of being a lazy so and so!

So, I thought I would share a few plans with you, mainly the plans of my hair, know, it’s important information.

As you may guess from the title, I am going to be dying my hair pink! Pastel pink to be precise! However, this could end up going extremely terribly and with my track record of hair, it probably will.

So, I guess I’m looking for a bit of advice. What’s best to use? What method worked best for you? Please, please share your thoughts as I really don’t want to end up with orange hair or have it all fall out, cause that could happen…(definitely not being over-dramatic there…).

So..yeah, share your thoughts and advise and I will love you forever- promise!

(I’ve added a photo of me now…as some of you may not even know that I now have blonde hair…it’s been THAT long!)




A good start to 2014

Okay, I hold my hands up and admit that I haven’t exactly kept to what I said and post more on here. However, in all honesty, it’s been really nice to take a break from writing and actually start getting out and about.

This year alone (even if we are only in January) has been more eventful than most of last year. I’ve been to the beach twice in two weeks, I’ve flown a kite and I’ve even spent the night in the back of a transit van (trust me, it’s not as dodgy as it sounds I promise!).

I’m beginning to become more of a “yes” person and it’s really, really fun. It helps that I have a boyfriend who encourages me and gives me the confidence to try new things. We’re even planning to go to Paris together in March and I couldn’t be more excited! Mainly for the croissants and what not, but I’m sure the eiffel tower will be a treat too!

I have even found my new love in the form of a foundation, I won’t give too much away just yet, but a full review will be posted soon – it’s a bloody goodun!

Overall, it’s been a good start to the year. How about you guys?


For the first time in a long time, I can truly say that I am feeling “fan-dabby-dosy!”. In other words, I’m pretty ecstatic!

Since I moved house, a lot has changed and all of it for the good. I’m not going to bore you with every single detail, but basically – long story short, I was in a dead end relationship that wasn’t making me happy!Ā We started to make each other feel more miserable than anything and although it was hard -really hard actually – I decided to get up and go and move on with my life. After all, I am not a tree (in case you didn’t notice) and therefore, that means I can move and go wherever I like. If I wasn’t happy, it didn’t make sense to stay in an unhappy environment any longer. Life is too bloody short!

Now, I’ve met someone new and life has suddenly become pretty damn exciting! It’s really nice to have that excitement back that I really, really craved. It’s also nice to make plans and have exciting things lined up..which results in me having a permanent cheshire cat smile plastered all over my face. Yay for me!

It taught me a lesson though, don’t sit around complaining that you are unhappy, because that won’t change a thing. You have to get up and do something about it, even if it scares the shit out of you. It’s worth it!

So, yeah – brace yourselves for more posts about the new man in my life, I’ll try not to be too “lovey-dovey”, promise!

My thoughts on being a makeup enthusiast..

When people ask what my hobby is, I never really know what to respond with. I have things that interest me of course, but not a real “active” hobby as such.

I guess my hobby is makeup, I am a beauty product enthusiast! I spend most my money on new beauty purchases and I can spend hours watching makeup tutorials on YouTube. However, I always seem to feel a bit embarrassed announcing that makeup is my “hobby”. A lot of people’s perception of people who love makeup is often “fake”, “vain” or “bimbo”; I know that I am none of those things, not at all, however I always feel a bit reluctant to go into detail about my passion due to people assuming that this makes you a little…unintelligent?

In fact, the reason I like makeup isn’t just because it’s pretty, it’s the fact that you can do so many things with it. You can unleash your artistic side and change your look depending on your mood. It also takes skill to be able to apply makeup in a flawless and professional way…it’s not just a case of slapping it on your face and your done (although in some people’s case it may be!).

In fact, it takes intelligence to know what goes where, what looks best on who and which colours will suit your complexion. So, in reality I shouldn’t be embarrassed to announce to people that my hobby is makeup. It’s something that interests me and that’s all that matters!

Do any of you ever feel the same? Do you feel a bit reluctant to let the “real” people in your life know about your beauty blog or the fact that you spend most your wages on the stuff?

That’s my thoughts for the day anyway….let me know what you guys feel on the topic?


A new chapter..

I really am getting useless at this blogging thing aren’t I? After my house move, things have been a little bit hectic, in-fact so hectic that I kind of lost my passion for writing about makeup – shocker I know!

I figured that if I wasn’t enjoying writing, then I shouldn’t. There is nothing worse than reading a half-arsed post when you can tell there is no genuine passion or flare behind the writing. So, I decided to stop!

I actually stopped buying makeup too; I began to look at my collection and really think about how much money I had spent on it all – the answer was a lot. A lot more than I could actually afford and I began to realise that there are a lot more important things out there than buying makeup (gasp!).

I still love makeup, don’t get me wrong! But, since moving house, a lot has been put into perspective. I don’t want to stop writing on this blog all together and I would love to continue blabbing on about my favourite eyeshadows, but I would also like to include a lot more lifestyle related posts and write about other things that inspire or excite me.

I have lots to tell you guys, some of it very exciting to me…so…keep your eyes peeled for my up-coming posts!

I’ve missed you guys!


Bedroom Tour – The Video!

Hello lovelies,

As you may already know, I moved into my new home on Saturday. Seeing as I now have my bedroom looking how I want it to, I thought I should probably do a bedroom tour!

I tried to be as creative as I could with this video without it being boring, so I hope you enjoy!

Life update!

I’m not going to deny it, I have completely let my blog go these last couple of months. Life has been mental! Sometimes, it’s very hard to find the time to sit down and write a decent blog post and put your heart into it.

Big changes are currently happening in my life, I have decided to move out of my current home with my boyfriend and live by myself in a really lovely flat. In all honesty, I have been wanting to do this since the beginning of the year, but never found anything affordable and I suppose I lacked confidence in doing it. Anyway, it’s all happening and on Saturday I will be entering my new home with the company of my cats – yep, I’m going to be a crazy cat lady.

It’s going to be scary, but it’s a new chapter that I am excited to embark on.

Expect to hear a lot more from me, I’ve got lots of things lined up and also a nicer background for my YouTube videos! The carpet in the current room I film in genuinely makes me angry – it’s vile!

Anyway…not sure what else to say! Everything is a bit hectic, but once the move has happened, I will be blog, blog, blogging away! I’ve missed it.

Hope you are all doing well you lovely lot!